FNCE 629
Q. Write an article on topic:
“How has the Financial Institutions and regulators reacted to the Covid pandemic in Canada? Is this consistent with other participants in the US, UK or Australia (pick one for comparison)”
Minimum words: 1500 words,
You will be asked to attach a signed cover sheet with your paper/assignment/project or exam that states that your work is your own. This signed cover sheet will include the following statement to indicate that the assignment is your own work: “I agree that the work in this paper/ project/exam/assignment/etc. is my own work and that I have given credit to all sources of information used in my paper/project/exam/ assignment/etc. by including citations and references in the APA format. I acknowledge that I am expected to exercise the utmost academic integrity in all work submitted for this course. SIGNATURE: Joni Apple (indicated by typing your name at the end of this statement at the time of submission)
UCW Masters Level Grading Rubric For Assessment of Report
1-4 Scale Weight Student Score 1 2 3 4
Percentage Score 0 to 59 59-68 69-71 72-75 76-79 80-84 85-89 90-100
Grades F C B- B B+ A- A A+
Mastery Level Beginning Developing Competent Mastery
Standard Level Below Standard Approaching Standard At Standard Exceeds Standard
Subject Matter 50
Problem, Background Problem statement is poorly crafted or missing or is misstated Problem statement is not well-crafted but is acceptable Problem statement is reasonably well-crafted and is specific to the issue Problem statement is well-crafted, specific and represents a novel outlook on the issue
Discussion of Findings Discussion is incorrect
correct, missing many of the pros with little or no discussion of negatives Discussion is inadequately
correct, missing some of the pros and most or all of the cons Discussion is correct, taking into account most of the pros and cons and represents a solid level of research Discussion is complete and correct, taking into account pros and cons and represents a full level of research with novel conclusions
Managerial Recommendation Recommendations are not supported
and demonstrat little or no understanding of problem or the consequences of implementation Recommendations are inadequately supported
and do not represent reasonable understanding of problem or the consequences of implementation, with alternate solution available Recommendations are adequately supported and represents reasonable understanding of problem, some of the consequences of implementation and may have and alternate solution available Recommendations are fully supported and represents superior understanding of problem, consequences of implementation and has alternate solutions available
Professionalism Student unable or nearly unable to work independently
and did not successfully meet project deadlines needing constant feedback/help, unresponsive to written/verbal feedback Student had problems working independently
and had problems successfully meeting project deadlines needing significant feedback/help, not fully responsive to written/verbal feedback Student worked mostly independently and met most project deadlines needing some feedback/help, mostly responsive to written/verbal feedback Student worked independently and met all project deadlines striking an exceptional balance between working independently but asking for necessary feedback/help while exceptionally responsive to written/verbal feedback
References References are not appropriate to the subject matter or are missing References are not fully
appropriate to the subject matter References are timely and appropriate to the subject matter References represent a complete literature survey are timely and appropriate to the subject matter
Tables/Charts Tables, charts and other media
poorly support the presentation of the material of the report or are not present when they would be of value Tables, charts and other media
inadequately support the presentation of the material of the report Tables, charts and other media adequately support the presentation of the material of the report Tables, charts and other media fully support and augment the presentation of the material of the report
Organization & Critical Thinking
Demonstration of thought process and analysis of problem and resolution using own thoughts and ideas 20 Introduction provides poor level of background of paper
Structure of paper is not clear and is difficult to follow train of thought process
Conclusion does not follow logically from body of paper
Critical Thinking is lacking: missing logical argumentation & reasoning, concrete examples & valid inferences Introduction provides background of paper missing some key elements
Structure of paper is not clear and it is not easy to follow train of thought process
Conclusion follows from body of paper but misses key points
Critical Thinking is not fully present: missing key points of logical argumentation & reasoning, concrete examples & valid inferences Introduction provides good level of background of paper
Structure of paper is clear and train of thought process is understandable
Conclusion mostly follows logically from body of paper
Critical Thinking is present: logical argumentation & reasoning shows, reasonable examples & valid inferences are made Introduction provides superior level of background of paper
Structure of paper is very clear and easy to follow train of thought process
Conclusion follows logically from body of paper
Critical Thinking is present through: logical argumentation & reasoning, concrete examples & valid inferences
Style & Mechanics
Application of the requirements of the 7th APA manual to create a standardized formatted report 10 7th Ed. APA Manual is not followed or there are significant errors in:
title page & references pages. In-text citations, paraphrasing and direct quotes are quite inadequate but do not rise to the level of plagiarism 7th Ed. APA Manual is followed with significant errors in:
title page & references pages. In-text citations, paraphrasing and direct quotes are lacking but do not rise to the level of plagiarism 7th Ed. APA Manual is followed with minor errors in:
formatted title page, formatted references pages, in-text citations, paraphrasing and direct quotes are adequately used in the correct context 7th Ed. APA Manual is followed with no errors including:
properly formatted title page, properly formatted references pages, in-text citations are correclty used, paraphrasing and direct quotes are properly used in the correct context
Use of proper English language grammar, spelling and punctuation to create a readable paper. 10 Grammar and sentence structure has major problems following standard English rules and reads with difficulty with major errors in punctuation and spelling Grammar and sentence structure has problems following standard English rules and reads with some difficulty with errors in punctuation and spelling Grammar and sentence structure mostly follows standard English rules and reads reasonably well with few errors in punctuation and spelling Grammar and sentence structure follows standard English rules and reads well with excellent punctuation and spelling
Readability & Style
Clarity of thought and appropropriate level of language use that brings the author’s thoughts and ideas to the reader. 10 Sentences are lacking in completeness, clearness, consicseness and are not well-structured.
Transitions do not maintain flow of thought.
Words are ambiguous.
Tone is inappropriate to audience/assessment. Colloquial language or inappropriatel use of paraphrasing is used. Sentences need to be more complete, clear, consicse and well-constructed.
Transitions do not maintain flow of thought well.
Words are not precise and have some ambiguity.
Tone is not appropriate to audience/assessment. Colloquial language or inappropriatel use of paraphrasing is used too much. Sentences are mostly complete, clear, consicse and well-constructed.
Transitions moslty maintain flow of thought.
Words are mostly precise with little ambiguity.
Tone is mostly appropriate to audience/assessment. Colloquial language or inappropriatel use of paraphrasing is used sparingly. Sentences are consistently complete, clear, consicse and well-constructed with strong, varied structure.
Transitions consistently maintain flow of thought.
Words are quite precise and unambiguous.
Tone is comlpetely appropriate to audience/assessment. No colloquial language or inappropriatel use of paraphrasing used.
Marks 100 Additional Comments
629 FNCE
Q. Write an article on the following topic:
“How have financial institutions and regulators in Canada responded to the Covid pandemic? Is this similar to other participants in the United States, the United Kingdom, or Australia (choose one for comparison)?”
1500 words is the minimum word count.
With every paper, assignment, project, or exam, you will be requested to include a signed cover sheet stating that your work is your own. The following statement will be included on this signed cover sheet to demonstrate that the assignment is your own work: “I agree that the work in this paper/project/exam/assignment/etc. is my own work, and that I have credited all sources of information used in my paper/project/exam/assignment/etc. with APA cites and references.” I agree with you.