Human service professionals are expected by the NOHS Ethical Standards to advocate for social justice. Promoting social justice is a core value of the human services field. The NOHS Ethical Standards recognize that human service professionals are in a unique position to help address systemic inequities and ensure all people can access necessary resources and support. By advocating at both the individual and systemic level, we work to empower and uplift vulnerable groups facing discrimination or lack of opportunity.
Some specific ways the NOHS suggests we advocate include: identifying and challenging policies or practices that unfairly discriminate; educating others about social inequities and how to create a more just society; getting involved in community organizing and policymaking ourselves; and using our skills and research to dismantle oppressive power structures (NOHS, 2020). It’s not enough to help individuals one-by-one; we must also work to transform the systems that cause harm or hardship for people in the first place.
For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, many human service professionals advocated for vulnerable groups affected by the public health crisis and resulting economic downturn. Some lobbied politicians to pass relief bills that expanded aid to low-income families, the unemployed, and small businesses in hard-hit communities (National Priorities Project, 2021). Others worked directly with at-risk populations, helping to distribute resources and ensure their needs and voices were heard by those in power (NASW, 2020).
In conclusion, advocating for social justice is a core function of many human service roles. By addressing inequities at both the individual client level and systemic level, we can create lasting change and truly empower those facing discrimination or lack of fair opportunity. Upholding the NOHS Ethical Standards helps guide us in this crucial aspect of our work.
Works Cited
National Organization for Human Services. (2020). NOHS ethical standards.
National Priorities Project. (2021). 10 ways advocates helped vulnerable groups during the pandemic. research essay writing service.

NASW. (2020). Social workers on the front lines of COVID-19 response.
In this project, you will be researching contemporary social justice issues and choosing one as a focus on your project. After describing the issue and its impact on the affected population, you will create a plan of advocacy to eradicate the issue.

In your group…

Research social justice issues that are problematic in the United States today.
Bullying Prevention
Choose one issue as the focus for your project.
As a team, create a PowerPoint® presentation that illustrates
The issue
Its impact on clients
Possible solutions.
Assignment Directions

Use the readings, internet, and Purdue Global Library to research the implications of this case study under current law and practice expectations.

Please be sure to address all of the following in your assignment:

Introduce the thesis and purpose of the presentation. (1 slide) – Shiela
Describe the issue that the team has chosen and discuss how it is connected to your team’s values. (2 slides) – Morgan
Discuss, in detail, the impact this issue has on the affected population(s) (e.g., economically, socially, educationally, or medically). (6 slides) – Kara
Create a plan to advocate for improvement in, or the elimination of, this issue. Be specific with the action items in your plan. You should have three to five action items. (2 slides) – Entire Group
Conclude by reviewing main points and summarizing the presentation. (1 slide) – Shirley
Assignment Guidelines

Your assignment should be a minimum of 12 slides, not including the title and reference sides, and should include the following elements:

Title slide: Provide the names of all team members, title of assignment that clearly indicates the topic of the presentation, course and section number, and date.
Body: The slides should be easily read, and any images used should be properly referenced.
Using the Notes area, include a script on each slide detailing what would be said during an actual presentation.
Your responses should reflect professional writing standards, using proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be correct and accurate, and reflect knowledge of professional ethics and personal values in the human service profession.
Reference slide: Sources listed in APA format.
Include a minimum of fours scholarly or academic sources to support your responses and conclusions.
Use Arial or Times New Roman 18-point font.
Use APA formatting and citation style.
If you need Helpance with APA style, please visit Academic Writer.In this project, you will be researching contemporary social justice issues and choosing one as a focus on your project. After describing the issue and its impact on the affected population, you will create a plan of advocacy to eradicate the issue.

In your group…

Research social justice issues that are problematic in the United States today.
Bullying Prevention
Choose one issue as the focus for your project.
As a team, create a PowerPoint® presentation that illustrates
The issue
Its impact on clients
Possible solutions.
Assignment Directions

Use the readings, internet, and Purdue Global Library to research the implications of this case study under current law and practice expectations.

Please be sure to address all of the following in your assignment:

Introduce the thesis and purpose of the presentation. (1 slide) – Shiela
Describe the issue that the team has chosen and discuss how it is connected to your team’s values. (2 slides) – Morgan
Discuss, in detail, the impact this issue has on the affected population(s) (e.g., economically, socially, educationally, or medically). (6 slides) – Kara
Create a plan to advocate for improvement in, or the elimination of, this issue. Be specific with the action items in your plan. You should have three to five action items. (2 slides) – Entire Group
Conclude by reviewing main points and summarizing the presentation. (1 slide) – Shirley
Assignment Guidelines

Your assignment should be a minimum of 12 slides, not including the title and reference sides, and should include the following elements:

Title slide: Provide the names of all team members, title of assignment that clearly indicates the topic of the presentation, course and section number, and date.
Body: The slides should be easily read, and any images used should be properly referenced.
Using the Notes area, include a script on each slide detailing what would be said during an actual presentation.
Your responses should reflect professional writing standards, using proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be correct and accurate, and reflect knowledge of professional ethics and personal values in the human service profession.
Reference slide: Sources listed in APA format.
Include a minimum of fours scholarly or academic sources to support your responses and conclusions.
Use Arial or Times New Roman 18-point font.
Use APA formatting and citation style.
If you need Helpance with APA style, please visit Academic Writer.


The NOHS Ethical Standards require human service providers to advocate for social justice. In this project, you will conduct research on current social justice concerns before deciding on one to focus on for your thesis. You will build an advocacy plan to eradicate the issue after describing the problem and its impact on the affected community.

Within your group…

Investigate contemporary social justice issues in the United States.

Preventing Bullying

Choose a single topic to focus your effort on.

Create a PowerPoint® presentation as a group that demonstrates

The problem

Its effect on customers

Alternatives to consider.

Instructions for the Assignment

Research the consequences of this case study under contemporary legal and practice norms using the readings, the internet, and the Purdue Global Library.

Title Slide:
Environmental Justice in the United States
Group Members: [Names]
Introduction (1 slide)
Thesis: Environmental injustice disproportionately impacts marginalized communities in the U.S. We will analyze this problem and propose advocacy strategies for reform.
Description of the Issue (2 slides)
Define environmental justice and the concept of environmental racism
Provide background on the history of the environmental justice movement
Impact Analysis (6 slides)
Cite Bureau of Justice Statistics data on correlations between environmental hazards, race, and socioeconomic status
Discuss public health impacts like higher rates of asthma and cancer in affected communities (CSS factsheet)
Analyze economic impacts like decreased property values near waste sites (IAALS)
Advocacy Plan (2 slides)
Lobby for strengthened enforcement of environmental laws (EPA, EJ organizations)
Engage in community education and empowerment initiatives (models from Vanderbilt, YU Online sources)
Conclusion (1 slide)
Restate key points and call to action for stakeholders to address environmental injustice
References (1 slide, APA format)

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