Reflection on the Current Understanding of Threats
Information security threats affect the confidentiality and integrity of the data. The information stored in many devices is prone to cyber-attacks. The attacks may result in losses and damages in an organisation. In the process of attacks, important information is lost, leading to huge losses in the organisation.
In my experience on system security, in December 2017 I experienced a threat on my cell phone that caused many damages. My phone was connected to the internet and a link appeared and when I clicked, my phone lost all important information. The details of my bank account that I had stored in the cell phone were hacked and the hackers were able to access my account. I lost important contacts and other medical details that were not easy to retrieve back. I reported the incident to the police and the matter and was told that a link that carried the malware was introduced in my phone.
The understating of these threats is important to the organisation. The organisations get to know the mechanisms of the threats and how to deal with such threats. The systems are protected from any possible threats. The systems should be less vulnerable to threats. The organisations should keep their computer systems free from viruses, authorised access and theft of laptops, desktops and mobile phones. The security control of the system should focus on external threats.
Yes, the organisation that I work for prepares appropriately to the possible threats by introducing many initiatives. The hardware system is installed with antivirus that protects the computers, laptops and other devices from any possible threats. The organisation frequently trains the workers on how to discover any potential threats. A monitoring system is set in the company to monitor any suspicious activity (Kotkar et al, 2013)
Kotkar, A., Nalawade, A., Gawas, S., & Patwardhan, A. (2013). Network Attacks and Their Countermeasures. Network, 1(1).