Lab report

You are required to complete a laboratory report based on the study which is linked to the practical you did ‘Investigation of blood’. 

The write-up should be written ideally in the style of a journal paper, i.e a word-processed report containing the following sections: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion and References (IMRD)
Instructions for Laboratory Practical Report (BS7203)-MM

Two groups (Group A and Group B) of students took part in a lab practical, where each group then had their Haemoglobin (Hb) levels and haematocrit (HcT) measured from finger prick blood using a colorimetric method using a spectrophotometer (EKF Hemo Control). Group A used model EKF1 and group B used model EKF2. You have been told by the tutor that both spectrophotometers were accurate and had been calibrated. On the provided Excel sheet, you have been given the Hb and HcT in the white cells measured from the two groups. The yellow cells show the descriptive stats for the data.
Your aim is to investigate whether there is any difference in the mean Hb and HcT between the two groups and thereby consider the accuracy of the two spectrophotometers.

You are required to complete a laboratory report based on the above study which is linked to the practical you did ‘Investigation of blood’.
The write-up should be written ideally in the style of a journal paper, i.e a word processed report containing the following sections: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion and References (IMRD) .

The title should be concise, clear and informative. You can choose your own title.

The introduction should be a relevant background to the study (based on the key words in your title), including ideally a brief literature review and end with a statement of the aim (you can also state a hypothesis if you wish).

The method should give enough information for a person to replicate your study. Attempt to strike balance of detail. Presume the reader is naive but intelligent. Remember to use the subheadings, subjects (brief description of subjects), equipment (brief description of equipment), protocol (brief description of how Hb and HCT was measured) and analysis (what did you do with your data, any statistical tests you used). Be brief with your methods section

The results section is where the data collected and analysed (usually mean+/- SEM) are displayed usually using a combination of words, tables and graphs. In this section you do not explain why your results are so, but describe what your results are ( increase, decrease). Use the descriptive stats provided in the yellow cells to draw your Graphs and/or make tables. Do not repeat the same information in both tables and graphs. Table numbers and title go above the table. Figure numbers and title go below the graph. Do not include the table with the raw data.

The discussion is where you demonstrate your understanding of the experiment. Expand on your results, compare them with findings in the literature and try to explain your findings. Try to be critical, point out errors and make recommendations to improve the study e.g what other tests/measurements/analysis could you have done.

The references should be listed alphabetically and be in the Harvard format.

In short, you are trying to produce a piece very similar in structure to a journal article. In general the write up should be:

• single-line spaced
• Minimum of 10-point font, ideally 12 font
• With a 2.5 centimetre border left around the page
• Correctly referenced (Harvard Style)
• With all pages numbered
• A maximum of 4 pages (1000 words +/-10%, excluding references, appendices)
• With all units of measurement reported in S.I. units

A good mark will be obtained for a report which
• Follows the IMRD structure
• Is concise and clear
• Is logically progressive
• Answers the question raised by the aim
• Acknowledges the limitations of the study
• Displays regard for the accuracy of the data
• Shows an understanding of the practical
• Is accurately referenced
• The marks allocation are Abstract (5%), Intro (10%), Methods (10%), Results (40%), Discussion (30%), Remainder (Title, References, presentation)-5%

A Turnitin link will be provided on the BS7203 Moodle site for you to upload your report. The deadline is 4th December 2022 at 23.59pm.

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