NSG 4410
Population Health Nursing
Instructions for the Healthy People Paper

The purpose of this paper is to apply research-based, public health objectives to a selected community aggregate. The Healthy People 2030 website will be used by the students. This assignment is based on the aggregate in the community that they student chooses. The paper is also based on the community assessment that the students completed in NSG 4411. The point distribution is listed below. The instructions on how to develop the paper following APA format on the next page.

Points Description

6.5 Describe the community where the aggregate lives and then describe the
aggregate using demographic data and characteristics. Discuss some
social, economic, and environmental factors determining health status.

7 Describe the leading causes of death, extent of disability, and morbidity
for this aggregate.

7 Describe the health risk factors and/or stressors facing this aggregate.

30 Discuss three Healthy People 2030 objectives, which apply to this aggregate.

7.5 Discuss progress, if any, from Healthy People 2020 to the current Healthy People 2030 objective that you choose. You may refer to Healthy People 2020 Midcourse Review Midcourse Review .

12 Identify the Healthy People 2030 objective you feel to be the most pertinent to your aggregate, identify, and discuss a strategy to promote health for this aggregate through inter-and intra-professional communication.

30 Use three peer reviewed scholarly-based articles (within last 5 years) to
validate possible interventions for improving the health status of the
assigned aggregate based on your chosen Healthy People 2030 objective.

The following website will be helpful for use in this project:

Instructions on How to Develop Following APA Format

1. The paper must be typed in scholarly format (Refer to the BSN Guide for Scholarly Papers) and the APA manual (7th edition):
a. The paper is no less than 5 pages and no more than 8 pages (excluding title page and reference page).
b. The paper is double-spaced, Times New Roman font, size 12 with 1” margins.
c. Do not write in first, second or third person.
d. Use of proper grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation is required.
e. Do not start sentences with numbers or acronyms.
f. A paragraph contains at least 3 sentences. Do not add a space between paragraphs.
g. Use headings. (Refer to the APA manual).
h. No quotes. Paraphrase in your own words.
i. Correctly cite all information. When in doubt, cite. (Refer to APA manual 7th edition).
j. Do not copy and paste from the source or from other assignments. (See syllabus regarding plagiarism).
k. References on separate page.

2. Submit under the Assignments tab through Turnitin.



Promoting Healthy Aging through Increased Physical Activity
The community I will focus on is a retirement community located in suburban Atlanta, Georgia. This community houses individuals aged 65 and older. According to 2020 Census data, over 75% of residents are between 65-80 years old, with the majority being women living alone or with a spouse. Many residents live on a fixed income and have one or more chronic health conditions. Common social determinants impacting this population include lack of transportation, limited opportunities for social interaction, and aging-related physical and cognitive decline.
The leading causes of death and illness for this aggregate include heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s/dementia. Key risk factors and stressors exacerbating health issues involve physical inactivity, social isolation, and sedentary lifestyles. With advancing age, residents are less able to drive themselves to appointments or activities and must rely on infrequent shuttle services for basic needs. The physical environment also poses challenges like a lack of sidewalks and wheelchair accessibility.
One pertinent Healthy People 2030 objective is SP-05, which aims to “increase the proportion of older adults with arthritis who participate in physical activities” (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, n.d.). Promoting physical activity can help manage and prevent chronic conditions affecting this aggregate. According to a meta-analysis by Chou et al. (2012), exercise programs significantly improve physical function and reduce symptoms of arthritis and related disabilities in older adult populations.
A strategy to address this objective could involve establishing a regular chair yoga or water aerobics class at the community center 2-3 times per week. Providing on-site exercise options led by a certified instructor would eliminate transportation barriers. Partnering with local physical therapists and nursing students could assist with monitoring participants’ safety and progress over time. Outcome measures may include tracking the number of residents who participate at least twice weekly along with self-reported improvements in mobility and pain levels.
In conclusion, prioritizing the health and well-being of our aging citizens through attainable objectives like SP-05 is crucial. Small-scale interventions integrated into the daily lives of community-dwelling elders can make a meaningful impact. Further research and resources are still needed to help promote healthy aging across diverse populations.
Chou, R., Huffman, L. H., Fu, R., Smits, A. K., & Korthuis, P. T. (2012). Screening and management of depression in adults: A summary of the evidence for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Annals of Internal Medicine, 156(11), 812–824. https://doi.org/10.7326/0003-4819-156-11-201206050-00475
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (n.d.). Physical activity guidelines for older adults. In Healthy People 2030. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. https://health.gov/healthypeople/objectives-and-data/browse-objectives/physical-activity/increase-proportion-older-adults-arthritis-who-participate-physical-activities-sp-05

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