Title: Case Study Teaching Plan PPT
Audience: Healthcare Consumer (Patient or Client)
Point of view: Third Person and First Person (summary only). You may use second person if you are speaking directly to your patient in the teaching plan
Format: APA PPT Presentation, Topic Headings on Slides
Template: Format Provided in Assignment Guidelines
Length: Minimum 10 Slides excluding Title and Reference Slides
References: Minimum three (3) sources. Required sources: One (1) scholarly nursing journal article (published within the last 5 years), the mHealth app website, and the course textbook.



The following sources are not accepted: Journal Abstracts, Dissertations, White Papers, Books, Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Wikipedia, Wikis, blogs, .com, .edu, and non-discipline supportive websites.

Please see the Assignment Rubric for further details related to this assignment and grading criteria

Assignment Information:

As the demand for healthcare information increases due to an increase in patients of all ages with chronic diseases, awareness of promotion of health and wellness, prevention of disease, and an increase in the aging population, information technology may provide an alternative for some patients, or consumers, in health

tracking and simple disease management. Mobile Health (mHealth) is the use of wireless devices and sensor networks to access healthcare information or services from the community. Some mHealth applications (apps) allow patients to transmit healthcare information to healthcare professionals. The universality of the smartphone makes it a convenient and beneficial tool for patients to use a mHealth app to improve and/or maintain health and wellness.

Assignment Guidelines:

For this assignment you will create a patient teaching plan PPT Presentation on an mHealth application of your choice. You will create your own patient case study of a patient who is interested in using a mHealth app that is already in use to improve health and wellness and or/maintain a healthy lifestyle. There are thousands of mHealth apps available in the Apple App Store, Google Play, and other websites. It is important to determine anddocument the patient’s willingness to learn and their digital literacy, health literacy, and eHealth literacy.

Format Guidelines for Teaching Plan: Use These Topics as the Topic Headings on Your Slides.

1. Title Slide (1 slide)

Include Title of Presentation, Full Name (do not include credentials), Keiser University, NUR4870 Nursing Informatics, Date

2. Introduction Slide (1 slide)

Introduce the topics that will be discussed in the Teaching Plan and include a Thesis Statement which is the desired outcome of the Teaching Plan

3. Patient Case Study Information Slide (1-2 slides)

Identify a patient who is interested in using a mHealth app that is already in use to improve health and wellness and or/maintain a healthy lifestyle. Your case study will begin with a patient who may have either a chronic disease or a new disease who is interested in improving their health and preventing illness, or a patient who is interested in maintaining their health to prevent illness. It is important to include the patient’s willingness to learnand their digital literacy, health literacy, and eHealth literacy.

This is an example only! Please create your own Patient Case Study.

Sam M. is a 52-year-old male who was recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. He is hypertensive, overweight, and his A1c level is 8%.

Sam’s physician explained the importance of improving his health and instructed Sam to change his dietand exercise to lose weight.

Sam understands the importance of losing weight to lower his A1c level and his blood pressure. He has tried dieting before but has difficulty determining which foods to eat and how much to eat. He is interested in ways to help him make healthier choices and track his diet and health electronically.

• Sam is a college graduate and an accountant. He uses an iPhone and is enthusiastic about using an application that can help him manage his diet, weight, and exercise.

4. Patient Goals (1-2 slides)

Establish the patient’s goals (minimum 4 goals) to improve their health and wellness using the mHealth application. Goals must be SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely.

5. Research, identify, and select a mHealth application that will Help the patient in meeting their goals (1-2 slides)

Identifies a working mHealth app that could benefit the patient or person. Explain how the mHealth app you selected will benefit the patient and Help them in meeting their goals. Describes the mHealth app including its: 1. Name
2. Purpose
3. Intended audience
4. Mobile device(s) upon which it will operate
5. Where to download or obtain the app. Include a working link if it is to be downloaded from a website

Any other information you believe would be pertinent to this situation.

6. mHealth Application Teaching Slides (3-5 slides)

Include information and important features of the mHealth app that will Help you in teaching the patient about the mHealth app. Include information for the patient.

Provide information to teach the patient or person about the mHealth app including: 1. How to use the app
2. How to input data (information)
3. How to save data

4. How to download data and/or share with their healthcare provider,
5. How to interpret and act on the information that is provided in the app 6. Any safety guidelines
7. Include images of the chosen mHealth app

7. Assessment of Teaching Plan (2-3 slides)

Explain how you will determine the patient’s successful use of their mHealth app. Determine the effectiveness ofyour teaching plan for your patient’s success in meeting their goals.

8. Summary Slide (1 slide)

Explain what you learned about this health information technology (not the disease or condition) and how what you have learned will influence and support your nursing practice.

9. Reference Slide (1 slide)

Includes the three (3) required sources: One (1) scholarly nursing journal article (published within the last 5 years), the mHealth app website, and the course textbook. Include references for any other additional sources you used.

Reference slide, citations, and references are in correct APA format. You may add additional Reference Slides if necessary.


You are to change the format of your PPT Presentation to “Notes Page” for submission. Your PPT Presentation willbe graded only in this format.

When you have completed your PPT Presentation:

Click on View on the top tool bar

Click on Notes Page

Click on File

Click on Save As and name your PPT document in the following format: Last Name First Name_NUR4870

Week 3 PPT Teaching Plan

Name document in correct format

Click on “Save”

When you save your PPT Word document name it in the following format:

Last Name First Name_NUR4870 Week 3 Case Study PPT

Submit this document in the Week 3 Case Study Teaching Plan Assignment Submission.

Please READ & FOLLOW THE GRADING RUBRIC as you create your PPT Presentation to be sure you meet all the requirements.

This assignment will automatically be submitted to SafeAssign, so please be sure to paraphrase and do not copy and paste information from your sources. Cite all the sources you use in your presentation.

Speaker Notes (Optional)

Please note speaker notes are NOT required in your PPT Presentation because this is teaching plan for your patient. If you would like to add additional information you can provide speaker notes.

Your slides should contain bullet points, not lengthy sentences and paragraphs. Your speaker notes below your slides should contain the narrative of what you might say about those bullet points to explain them and to add additional information. Speaker notes are required to be cited in correct APA format to avoid plagiarism. Speaker notes should be written in proper grammar and spelling.

How to Create Speaker Notes in your PPT Presentation:

On the bottom toolbar click on ‘Notes’ and a bar will appear below your slide that says, “Click to add notes”

Just click there and you will be able to start typing your information

3. There is a horizontal line above the speaker notes box. If you put your cursor on that line, a double-sided vertical arrow will appear. Just left-click on the arrow and move it up to increase the size of the notes box. This will reduce the size of your slide but that is acceptable.

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