As you refine your use of the nursing process and understand more deeply how it facilitates problem-solving, you will reflect on this systemized approach and how it leads to the provision of safe, quality patient care.
This two-part written assignment focuses on the systemized application of each step of the nursing process. You will identify patient problems through your assessment and review of pertinent patient data.
Here’s what’s you need to do to complete part 1:
Step 1: Select a patient
This can be a patient you have cared for in clinical as a student, a family member, or a patient you have cared for in your current clinical practice.
2: Describe your patient
In the paper’s introduction, write an anonymized descriiption of your selected patient with pertinent background data, including the patient’s medical diagnosis and relevant laboratory data
Since a component of this assignment is reflective, you will need to provide a rationale why you have selected the patient for this assignment.
Step 3: Frame your patient’s problems
Following the introduction, cluster all pertinent assessment and patient data to provide a framework for determining the patient’s problems. When clustering data, gather subjective and objective data about your patient, then organize the data into similar categories.
Make sure you review the directions and the rubric for Part 2 of this assignment as it builds off Part 1. Your assessment, the techniques you have used, and how you have organized the patient data become the framework for the plan of care you will develop and evaluate in Part 2 of the paper.
You may want to reference Chapter 15 (Diagnosing) in your Fundamentals of Nursing text in completing this step. When you’re clustering data, collect both subjective and objective information about your patient. Then, sort the information into groups that are similar.
Part 2 of this assignment builds on Part 1, so make sure you read the instructions and scoring rubric. Your assessment, the methods you used, and how you organized the patient data become the basis for the plan of care you will create and evaluate in Part 2 of the paper.
For this step, you might want to look at Chapter 15 (Diagnosing) in your Fundamentals of Nursing book.
Formatting Considerations
The paper must:
Follow APA format.
Be double spaced.
Be approximately two to three pages in length (not counting title page and reference section).
Have a title page that includes the paper title, your name, and the course number.
Nursing Care Paper—Part 2
For this assignment, you will write an evidence-based plan of care on the patient you identified in Part I. Your plan of care must be patient-centered, collaborative, and adhere to professional standards of practice.
Here’s what’s you need to do to complete Part 2 of your Nursing Care Paper. Note that you will include the work you completed in Part 1 of your Nursing Care Paper relative to the first two steps below.
Step 1: Describe your patient (completed in Part 1)
In the paper’s introduction, write an anonymized descriiption of your selected patient with pertinent background data, including the patient’s medical diagnosis and relevant laboratory data.
Since a component of this assignment is reflective, you will need to provide a rationale why you have selected the patient for this assignment.
Step 2: Frame your patient’s problems (completed in Part 1)
Following the introduction, cluster all pertinent assessment and patient data to provide a framework for determining the patient’s problems. When clustering data, gather subjective and objective data about your patient, then organize the data into similar categories.
Step 3: Prioritize two patient problems and select a NANDA-I nursing diagnosis for each
Justify your reasoning regarding both your problem prioritization and the selection of each of your nursing diagnoses. Identify an actual nursing diagnosis for your patient – do not use a “risk for” nursing diagnosis.
Step 4: Identify and justify two evidence-based nursing interventions for each diagnosis
Provide a rationale for each intervention you selected.
Step 5: Write the expected patient outcome for each nursing diagnosis
Provide an outcome that is patient-centered, measurable, and time-limited.
Formatting Considerations
The paper must:
Follow APA format.
Be double spaced.
Be approximately four to six pages in length (not counting the title page, reference section).
This page count does not include the title page and reference section. It does include the information you are repeating from part 1.
Have a title page that includes the paper title, your name, and the course number.
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