assessment tools
Participate in validation of three (3) assessment tools
Contribute actively to the validation activities and outcomes
Assessment Coversheet CQI-FRM028 Version 16 as at 03.04.19
Student Name: Student Number:
Unit Code/s & Name/s: TAE 40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment -Assessment Cluster: TAEASS401 Plan assessment activities and processes,TAEASS402 Assess competence, TAEASS403 Participate in assessment validation, TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools
Trainer/Assessor’s Name: Gary Rose
Assessment Type: ☐ Knowledge Questions ☐ Task 1 ☐ Task 2 ☐ Task 3 ☒ Task 4 ☐ Task 5
Student Declaration: I declare that I have undertaken the necessary training associated with this unit of competency and that this assessment is my own work. Any ideas and comments made by other people have been acknowledged as references. I understand that if this statement is found to be false, it will be regarded as misconduct and will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the Student Misconduct Management Policy and Procedure. I understand that by emailing this assessment item, it confirms my assent to this declaration in lieu of a written signature.
Student signature: Date: (when submitting assessment)
(Assessor completes the below)
Attempt number: 1 ☐ Assessor feedback:
☐ Student provided with feedback Assessor Initials:
Individual Assessment Task: Satisfactory ☐ Not satisfactory ☐ Date:
Attempt number: 2 ☐ Assessor feedback:
☐ Student provided with feedback Assessor Initials:
Individual Assessment Task: Satisfactory ☐ Not satisfactory ☐ Date:
Final Unit Result: N/A ☐ Competent ☐ Not competent ☐ Date: (The CQUniversity trainer/assessor verifies that the student has completed all performance and knowledge evidence for this unit.)
Assessor name: Assessor signature:
Note to assessor: Please indicate if reasonable adjustment has occurred – Yes ☐Please refer to Disability Policy and Procedure. Record any reasonable adjustment to this assessment (e.g. written assessment given orally)
Privacy Disclaimer: CQUniversity is collecting your personal information for assessment purposes. The information will only be accessed by authorised employees of CQUniversity, in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld). Some of this information may be given to the Australian Skills Quality Agency (ASQA) and/or the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training for audit and/or reporting purposes. Your information will not be given to any other person or agency unless you have given us written permission or we are required to do so by law.
ASS Task 4:
Participate in validation of three (3) assessment tools
Task overview
Participate in validation of three (3) assessment tools
Contribute actively to the validation activities and outcomes
! ● You may work with others to validate assessment tools you have developed, or that someone else has developed ● You may organise the validation sessions yourself, or you may participate in validation sessions organised by someone else ● The assessment tool you validate on each occasion must cover at least one (1) entire unit of competency and its assessment requirements ● All validation activities must include a competency mapping exercise whose purpose is to check if the assessment tool covers the entire unit and its assessment requirements. You may: – check a completed competency map that is provided, or – in the validation session, create a competency map Your mapping exercise must cover the unit’s elements, performance criteria, foundation skills, performance evidence, knowledge evidence, and (as applicable) assessment conditions. ● At least two people, including you, must participate in each validation. ● A suitable referee must verify foundation skills you use when participating in each validation.
What to do
Complete the task described above. Submit the items listed below.
● See the Assessment Guide for more information and assessment criteria
● Items marked with orange font mean that a template or selection of templates are available—see the templates document for this cluster
● Using the space provided below each evidence item listed, type:
– Information and responses to questions posed:
– Reference to supporting evidence—e.g. “See Attachment 01: Document Name”
Evidence to submit RESULTS
Assessor to complete shaded areas S NYS
Assessment tool validation – example 1
1 Background information and evidence of preparation for validation: a. Explain who wrote the assessment tool that you validated b. Name the unit/s of competency covered in the assessment tool validated c. Describe the target candidate/s d. Explain the purpose of the assessment tool e. Describe key assessment system policies and procedures that the tool must support. As a minimum, explain: ● assessment submission policies and procedures ● how candidates receive information that is relevant to all assessments within an organisation—e.g. information about appeals, confidentiality, etc. f. (optional) Give any other information to help your assessor understand the context of this validation. ☐ ☐
To the candidate: replace this text with your response
2 Validation paperwork—all documents you and fellow validators used or produced as part of this validation—including: a. Copies of the unit of competency (and its assessment requirements) that the tool you validated intended to cover b. A copy of the assessment tool you validated c. Competency map that covers the entire unit and its assessment requirements and which you referred to or created to confirm validity and sufficiency of the assessment tool d. Authenticated validation record that documents the validation participants, process and outcomes e. (optional) Other documents that show how you prepared for and contributed to the validation activity. ☐ ☐
To the candidate: replace this text with your response
3 Evidence of foundation skills used in assessment validation—checklist completed by a suitable referee who can verify how and with whom you participated in this assessment validation. ☐ ☐
To the candidate: replace this text with your response
Assessment tool validation – example 2
1 Background information and evidence of preparation for validation: a. Explain who wrote the assessment tool that you validated b. Name the unit/s of competency covered in the assessment tool validated c. Describe the target candidate/s d. Explain the purpose of the assessment tool e. Describe key assessment system policies and procedures that the tool must support. As a minimum, explain: ● assessment submission policies and procedures ● how candidates receive information that is relevant to all assessments within an organisation—e.g. information about appeals, confidentiality, etc. f. (optional) Give any other information to help your assessor understand the context of this validation. ☐ ☐
To the candidate: replace this text with your response
2 Validation paperwork, including: a. Copies of the unit of competency (and assessment requirements) b. A copy of the assessment tool you validated c. Competency map d. Authenticated validation record e. (optional) Other documents. ☐ ☐
To the candidate: replace this text with your response
3 Evidence of foundation skills used in assessment validation—checklist completed by a suitable referee who can verify how and with whom you participated in this assessment validation. ☐ ☐
To the candidate: replace this text with your response
Assessment tool validation – example 3
1 Background information and evidence of preparation for validation: a. Explain who wrote the assessment tool that you validated b. Name the unit/s of competency covered in the assessment tool validated c. Describe the target candidate/s d. Explain the purpose of the assessment tool e. Describe key assessment system policies and procedures that the tool must support. As a minimum, explain: ● assessment submission policies and procedures ● how candidates receive information that is relevant to all assessments within an organisation—e.g. information about appeals, confidentiality, etc. f. (optional) Give any other information to help your assessor understand the context of this validation. ☐ ☐
To the candidate: replace this text with your response
2 Validation paperwork—all documents you and fellow validators used or produced as part of this validation—including: a. Copies of the unit of competency (and its assessment requirements) that the tool you validated intended to cover b. A copy of the assessment tool you validated c. Competency map that covers the entire unit and its assessment requirements and which you referred to or created to confirm validity and sufficiency of the assessment tool d. Authenticated validation record that documents the validation participants, process and outcomes e. (optional) Other documents that show how you prepared for and contributed to the validation activity. ☐ ☐
To the candidate: replace this text with your response
3 Evidence of foundation skills used in assessment validation—checklist completed by a suitable referee who can verify how and with whom you participated in this assessment validation. ☐ ☐
To the candidate: replace this text with your response
Questions about this task
4 Select one (1) of the assessment validations you participated in for this task. ● Name the assessment validation that you select ● Answer the following questions about this validation activity: a. Describe how and with whom you clarified details of the validation—e.g. its purpose, context and scope, plus logistics such as when and where validation would occur b. Describe the materials you reviewed/arranged in preparation for the assessment validation c. Describe how you confirmed (or could confirm) that you were using the most recent versions of validation reference materials and templates d. Describe one (1) example of how you resolved (or could resolve) a difference in opinion between validators. ☐ ☐
end of task
Evidence of foundation skills used in assessment validation—checklist
About this checklist
The purpose of this checklist is to gather evidence of the foundation skills you apply as you participate in the three assessment validations required for this task.
! A suitable referee must complete this checklist for each of the three assessment validations that you participate in, for this task
The same referee may complete this checklist for all three assessment tools you develop, or a different referee may complete the checklist for each validation.
Requirements to be a suitable referee
Your referee:
● must not be related to you
● must be credible—i.e.
– your TAE trainer (if you participated in assessment validation during training time, your TAE trainer may complete the checklist for you)
– a supervisor (preferred) or peer in your workplace, or hold a responsible position in the community
● must have directly or indirectly observed your participation in all stages of the validation that they will be asked to comment upon
● be willing to share their telephone and email contact details, and to be contacted by the TAE assessor, if needed.
Information and instructions for candidates
We have provided one copy of the checklist (starts on the next page). What to do:
1. Print three (3) copies of the checklist, one for each assessment validation required for this task—the checklist is one (1) page long.
2. Before you begin each assessment validation, invite a suitable referee to complete the checklist—they must agree to act as your referee before you begin work so they can monitor your activities and progress.
3. Ensure that each referee completes and signs all parts of each checklist.
4. Submit all completed checklists with your portfolio of evidence—if submitting your portfolio electronically, scan each completed checklist and save as a pdf.
You must submit one completed checklist for each validation you participate in.
On the checklist, you are referred to as the participant
Evidence of foundation skills used in assessment validation—checklist
To be completed by a suitable* referee
* see previous page for requirements as a suitable referee
Information and instructions for the referee
Thank you for helping your student or colleague with their assessment. In these instructions, and in the checklist:
● You will be referred to as the referee
● Your student or colleague (whose work we are asking you to describe in this checklist) will be referred to as the participant.
Your role
Your role is to contribute to the participant’s assessment of competence in:
● TAEASS403 Participate in assessment validation
By completing the checklist, you will provide evidence of how the participant assumed personal responsibility and worked with others to participate in the validation of one assessment tool.
Your role is not to judge the participant’s performance. We are asking you to document their performance by completing the checklist below and providing comments that describe what they did. The assessor who reviews the participant’s portfolio of evidence will judge the evidence and decide the assessment result.
What to do
1. Monitor how the participant prepares for the validation, then contributes to the validation process and outcomes. Pay particular attention to how they communicate and interact with others throughout all stages this process.
2. Throughout or after the validation activity concludes, complete the checklist that begins on the next page. Please:
● provide information about yourself, as requested
● complete all sections of the checklist
● ensure all information you provide is clear and legible
● sign and date where indicated.
3. Return the completed form to the participant.
The participant will add the completed form to their portfolio of evidence.
If you have questions or concerns, contact CQUniversity (40939).
Evidence of foundation skills used in assessment validation—checklist
Name of participant
Information about you (the referee)
What is your relationship with the participant?
Tick () appropriate box ☐ Supervisor ☐ I’m the participant’s TAE trainer
☐ Hold a responsible position in the community (details below)
☐ Other (explain)
Your contact details Phone (mobile preferred)
Information about assessment validation that you are commenting upon
Unit/s of competency (or other benchmarks) covered in the assessment tool
How long did the participant take to complete the assessment tool? From
How did you monitor the participant’s activities?
Tick () appropriate box ☐ I oversaw/overheard the participant working on this task
☐ Other (describe):
When completing the validation activity, did (or was) the participant: Yes No
1 Use analytical reading skills to interpret written instructions about the validation—its purpose, context, scope and personal role in the validation ☐ ☐
2 Use active listening skills to clarify verbal instructions about the validation ☐ ☐
3 Give feedback objectively and respectfully ☐ ☐
4 Receptive to feedback given about their own contributions and suggestions ☐ ☐
5 Use analytical and creative thinking to identify and evaluate options for improvement of the assessment tool ☐ ☐
6 Discuss and agree on recommendations to improve the assessment tool ☐ ☐
7 Take personal responsibility for their adherence to validation procedures ☐ ☐
8 Collaborate and negotiate with other validators in a safe and ethical way ☐ ☐
9 Organise and prioritise work to ensure the validation was completed on time? ☐ ☐
Referee signature