I would like to apply for a PhD program in Leadership & Human Resource Development, College of Human Sciences & Education. The admission office asked me for a personal statement, and this document of 1,000 words or less provides the admissions committee with information allowing them to become more acquainted with me and my interests. The statement should address the following questions


1.  What do you want to study in our Ph.D. program? We see leadership and human resource development as logically connected and mutually supportive areas of study and practice. Both fields have their origins in the social sciences (psychology, sociology), the humanities (ethics, philosophy), and professional and applied fields (organization development, education). Both are multidisciplinary academic fields and both are developmental insofar as they seek to create positive change in people, organizations, and communities. Within this broad sphere of research, theory, and practice where do your interests lie? Why does this make you a good match for our program?

2.  What are your research interests? Our Ph.D. program offers a research-oriented degree in which the completion of a research-based dissertation is the capstone achievement. Describing your research interests will help our faculty gauge areas of overlap between your interests and theirs. Therefore, please provide a statement of your potential research interests. In doing so, try to situate your research interests within the larger fields of leadership and human resource development, articulate one or more broad questions you are interested in answering, and describe why the question or questions are important.

Also, I attached my C.V in case you need to get some informations.

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