Module Title: Principles of Marketing Module Code:
Assignment Format & Maximum Word count Individual Narrated PowerPoint Presentation
Maximum 10 slides and 10 minutes. Weighting: 40 %
Coursework Submission: Coursework return Date returned to students 4 weeks from date of submission
Module leader First marker
Internal Moderator Approved ☐
Date: Module Board name
External Examiner n.a Module Board date
Assessment, grading and feedback

Assessment Criteria
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment:
1. Reflect on the principles of the marketing theory.
2. Present their views clearly.
3. Search for and identify relevant marketing information.
4. Reference their work using the Harvard system.
Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment:
5. Define the concept of marketing, its role within an organisation and its relationship to other business activities.
6. Examine the principles that underpin marketing theory.
7. Present rational marketing recommendations.
Transformational Opportunities:
E.g. Use LinkedIn Learning to improve skills
• Workplace-relevant assignments

Feedback /Marking criteria for this Assignment

Detailed Brief for Individual Assessment
The title of the assignment

A narrated PowerPoint presentation exploring an organisation’s marketing environment.

Description of the assignment:
You are a marketing manager for your chosen organisation. You are asked to provide a comprehensive market analysis for your organisation, to identify opportunities, threats, perception and key issues facing the organisation.

Please choose an existing company trading in your home country

• The content must cover
1. Introduction- presentation outline and introduction of the organisation
Highlight the key information that will be covered in the presentation.
Organisation background and current performance e.g. market share, position, financial situation, etc. (Keep this short)
2. An overview of the industry

The industry you compete in.
An overall analysis of the industry’s economic, legal, and market status,
eg the size, trend, sales forecast etc.

3. The macro-environment analysis
Produce a PESTLE analysis of the macro-environment for the organisation.

Identify 3 major external factors that could help or hinder the progress of businesses in this industry.

Explain what impact these factors are likely to have on the industry and organisation.

You should refer to some credible sources to justify your choice.

4. Customer analysis
Use secondary research to show evidence of your organisation’s customers who have bought or engaged with it. You might find different groups of consumers.

Choose one group of consumers only and describe what a typical customer (target customer) looks like using behavioural, demographic, geographic and lifestyle segmentation.

5. Perceptual Positioning and Differentiation
Identify 3-4 key competitors in chosen organisation’s industry.

Plot competitors and organisation on a perceptual positioning map choosing two relevant categories, ie they do NOT have to be Quality and Price.

Justify positioning of each organisation. You will need to carry out secondary research for evidence to support your justification.

Identify competitive advantages of your chosen organisation

6. Conclusion
Summarise the key findings from the above sections and highlight the key issues or opportunities facing the organisation.

7. Reference list
Please include a full list of academic references on the final slide. Students must follow the Cite Them Right protocol specified by the Business school (In-text citation required on each slide). There must be a minimum of 5 academic references (Textbooks and journals).
Do not use Wikipedia, Businesstopia, Tutor2u, Slideshare and other anonymous sources that is not credible.
Your Specific Instructions:

1. It is essential that you:
include researched examples and justifications for any discussions and arguments you make. A presentation that is based solely on your own assumptions/ opinions will not be acceptable. You are therefore expected to have references throughout your presentation.
2. Maximum 10 minutes and maximum 10 slides EXCLUDING title page and reference page. Ensure you keep to time in your presentation. Please state the timing on the introduction slide.
3. Ensure the audibility is good and clear. Please provide a Word document of your script. This will not be marked but is simply for the marker’s benefit to cross-reference or check what has been said.
4. To make your slide more visually appealing, you should use a consistent theme; more image/graphics/graphs, less text.
5. The file that students submit has to be saved as “Family name _SRN” e.g. Lee_0987565
6. The submission must be made through the link in the assignment section on the Canvas module site. Please submit/upload the narrative PowerPoint file into the Canvas assignment section.
7. More guidance will be provided on the module site; ensure you check ‘Announcements’ frequently and you attend online coursework support sessions (the date and times are available on the Homepage.).
8. Use the assessment criteria and marking scheme to check the mark allocation for this assignment and prepare accordingly.
9. Penalties
a. Penalties will be applied for work that is submitted late (see below).
b. Extensions are usually applied if you have evidence of illness or personal circumstance leading up to the deadline. You must apply for an extension at least 1 week before the deadline.

See marking criteria below for how you will be assessed. This will also be reflected in the rubric.

Marking Criteria
Criteria Total marks available
Presentation and structure
• Appropriate formatting use for presenting written information
• Well written with good use of language and headings
• Logical sequence
• Visually attractive slides
• Articulent and fluent delivery
• Time management: keeps within the 10 minute time limit 15%
Intellectual Curiosity
• Follows Cite Them Right style for in-text citation and Reference List.
• Uses marketing databases
• Includes a range of relevant information from quality sources e.g., Business Toolkit, business pages of broadsheets
• Includes appropriate academic referencing (minimum of 5) 10%
Content / Findings
Has covered content as indicated on brief and coursework guidance in detail:
Intro to presentation and overview of the industry
Macro environment analysis and three major factors
Target Customer analysis
Perceptual map and differentiation
Includes conclusion and reference list 45%
Business Application /Critical evaluation Theory and Literature
• Integration and application of information – from coursework guidance or module site
• Connect the research and theory with the commercial practice of the business
• Attempt to evaluate the data/theory and literature
• Supported statements and discussions with evidence
• Attempted to build and argument 30%
Total 100%

Academic Integrity, Plagiarism and Essay Mills

Student Support and Guidance

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