Replacement for the Nursing Care Plan for The Village

Workshop Five planning care for The Village or another at-risk population

SMART Goals, Objectives, Interventions, Stakeholders, and Nursing Diagnoses

SMART: S specific, M measureable, A attainable, R relevant, T time based.

1. Write a SMART Goal for the at-risk population.

a. Remember a goal makes you think, What is it you want to achieve?

b. When will the accomplishment be completed?

c. Who are the people involved?

d. How much will it cost?

e. What resources will be used?

· A SMART Goal Uses an Action verb

· A SMART Goal has Measurable outcomes

· A SMART Goal has a Specific time frame

· A SMART Goal has Resource constraints (money, time, people, equipment, space)

Fill in the blanks below to ensure you are meeting the required criteria for a SMART Goal:



· Smart Goals start with an action verb

· Increase the dietary intake of homeless veterans of Marion to at least two meals /day

· Have measureable outcomes

· By ensuring the availability of two meals daily at the YMCA

· Have a specific time frame

· by January 2022

· Have resource constraints such as money, time, people, equipment, space:

· through grants secured by a local veterans support group of Marion, Homeless United.


(Objectives are specific actions or plans which help you attain a goal.) Write three objectives for an at-risk population which are objectively measureable and in a time frame: e.g.

f. A minimum of 50% the homeless veterans of Marion will eat meals at YMCA on the majority of the days of the week by January 2022.

g. Veterans will be able to identify the location of at least one of the two YMCA’s in the vicinity by September 2021

h. Collaborate with local YMCA to provide opportunities for abled veterans to work at the facility to help supplement the grant funding for the meals.


State three interventions for each objective: (Interventions are things you will do to reach your objective; interventions also have a target date for completion)

i. e.g., Distribute flyers at homeless shelters announcing the new opportunity for veterans to have meals and a shower by February 2, 2021


How will you evaluate that you met the objective? Evaluate the objective, not the interventions. If you met the objective, then the interventions were effective. Also, the Assessment has to be based upon objective and measureable data. Example:

j. Track the total number of homeless veterans in Marion compared to the number of veterans eating meals to validate a 50% participation of veterans by January 2022.


who they are and who they are not.

Stakeholders are businesses, organizations, and people which have a vested interest in the at-risk population; therefore, they have commensurate interest in the success of your Strategic Plan.

Stakeholders are not generic business in the community or anyone nor any group of people without a vested interest in the at-risk population.

For example, the stakeholders for homeless veterans would be: VA organizations (VFW, American Legion, etc.), homeless shelters, US governing bodies, veteran’s families, general community interest, businesses willing to hire veterans

Writing a Community Nursing Diagnosis:

Deficient community health among Marion’s veterans r elated to economically disadvantaged and inadequate budget of programs available as evidenced by health issues: noted underweight metrics in homeless veterans.

Risk for powerlessness among the Marion’s veterans.

Risk factors decreased, social marginalization, ineffective coping strategies, insufficient social support, and stigmatization.


The Village’s Nursing Care Plan has been replaced.

Workshop #5: Developing a care plan for The Village or another vulnerable population

Goals, Objectives, Interventions, Stakeholders, and Nursing Diagnoses SMART Goals, Objectives, Interventions, Stakeholders, and Nursing Diagnoses

SMART is for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based.

1. For the at-risk demographic, create a SMART goal.

a. Keep in mind that setting a goal forces you to consider what you want to accomplish.

b. When is the task expected to be completed?

b. Who are the participants?

d. How much will it set you back?

g. How will the resources be used?

An action verb is used in a SMART goal.

Measurable outcomes are part of a SMART goal.

A specific time frame is part of a SMART goal.

A resource limitation exists in a SMART goal (money, time, people, equipment, space)

Fill in the blanks in the table below.

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