Name: M. O. Date: 05/21/18
Sex: Male Age/DOB/Place of Birth: 8 Y/O /04-20-2010/Miami, Florida
Historian: Dad
Present Concerns/CC:

“He hurt his right arm.”
Child Profile: (Sexual History (If appropriate); ADLs (age appropriate); Safety Practices; Changes in daycare/school/after-school care; Sports/physical activity; Developmental Hx)

Healthy, well-nourished child. Age appropriate communication and development. Patient is in the 2nd grade and doing well.
HPI: (must include all components)

8 year old male patient presenting with Dad with a complaint of injury to right arm. Dad states that patient fell today at school and landed on his right wrist. The patient reports that the extremity was iced at school. Dad denies administration of pain medication.
Medications: (List with reason for med )


Allergies: NKDA

Medication Intolerances: None
Chronic Illnesses/Major traumas: None
Hospitalizations/Surgeries: None
Immunizations: Updated
Family History (Please identify all immediate family)

Father alive and well, mother alive and well.
Social History Education level, occupational history, current living situation/partner/marital status, substance use/abuse, ETOH, tobacco, and marijuana. Safety status

He lives with both parents. Dad reports that he occasionally smokes cigars but not in the presence of patient. Patient is in the 2nd grade.

Denies, headache, chills, myalgia. Cardiovascular

Denies chest pain/discomfort, heart problems

Denies rash or lesions.

Denies cough, difficulty breathing, wheezing.


Denies discharge from eye, redness, or pain Gastrointestinal

Denies abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, change in appetite diarrhea, and constipation.

Denies pain or discharge Genitourinary/Gynecological

Denies dysuria or changes in urinary pattern.


Denies nasal congestion, nasal discharge or bleeding, mouth sores, mouth soreness, mouth pain, sore throat, or difficulty swallowing

Reports injury and pain to left arm

Denies pain or tenderness

Denies loss of consciousness, dizziness, headache, or alteration in mental status

Denies weight loss, activity intolerance, heat or cold intolerance

Denies depression, anxiety, or suicidal ideation
OBJECTIVE (plot height/weight/head circumference along with noting percentiles) Attach growth chart
Weight 30.3 kg Temp 98.9 F BP 97/59 mmHg
Height 50 in
BMI: 18.74 Pulse 100 x’ Resp 20 x’

General Appearance and parent‐child interaction:

No acute distress, well-developed, well nourished, alert.


Skin pink, warm, and dry, no rashes or lesions noted.

Head normocephalic, nasal mucosa normal, nares patent and clear, no eye discharge, normal conjunctiva bilaterally, moist mucus membranes, tonsils normal, no swelling noted.

S1S2 audible. Regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs.

Lungs clear, good air exchange, no wheezes or rales

Abdomen round, soft, non-tender, and non-distended, normal bowel sounds, no organomegaly


Bladder is non-distended; no CVA tenderness, external and internal genitalia not examined.


Limited range of motion to right wrist; no swelling, bruising, or obvious deformity noted, strong pulses noted.

Alert, moves all extremities spontaneously


Age appropriate development.
In-house Lab Tests – document tests (results or pending)

Right wrist x-ray – closed fracture at distal radius
Pediatric/Adolescent Assessment Tools (Ages & Stages, etc) with results and rationale
For adolescents (HEADSSSVG Assessment)

 1. Closed fracture of distal end of right radius – S69.91XA
 Pertinent positives – reports recent injury to left arm, limited ROM to right wrist, pain with ROM, fracture indicated on x-ray
 Pertinent negatives – no obvious deformity, no swelling
 Rationale – Limited ROM following injury or trauma to the arm suggest possible fracture.
2. Other specified sprain of right wrist, initial encounter – S63.591A
 Pertinent positives – reports recent injury to left arm, limited ROM to right wrist, pain with ROM
 Pertinent negatives – no obvious deformity, no swelling
 Rationale – Injury to the arm may result in a sprain, dislocation or fracture wrist. Absence of obvious deformity can is favorable of a sprain or dislocation; however, impaired ROM and confirmation of fracture via x-ray rules out diagnosis of sprain.
3. Dislocation of right wrist – M24.331
 Pertinent positives – reports recent injury to left arm, limited ROM to right wrist, pain with ROM
 Pertinent negatives – no obvious deformity, no swelling
 Rationale – Injury to the arm may result in a sprain, dislocation or fracture wrist. Absence of obvious deformity can is favorable of a sprain or dislocation; however, impaired ROM and confirmation of fracture via x-ray rules out diagnosis of dislocation.

 Primary diagnoses: Closed fracture of distal end of right radius – S69.91XA

PLAN including education
 Arm splinted with short arm Ortho-glass and ace wrap, sling applied for patient comfort. (Arora, Fichadia, Hartwig, & Kannikeswaran, 2014)
 Patient and dad instructed that patient avoid participation in PE until cleared by orthopedic, school note provided
 Administer Tylenol or Motrin every 4-6 hours as needed for pain.
 Follow-up with Orthopedics, copy of x-ray CD provided


Arora, R., Fichadia, U., Hartwig, E., & Kannikeswaran, N. (2014). Pediatric upper-extremity fractures. Pediatric Annals, 43(5), 196-204. doi:

*ALL references must be Evidence Based (EB)

Name (Initials only): T. A. Date: 05/19/18
Sex: Male Age: 26 months old DOB: October 2015
SUBJECTIVE: T. A. is a 26-month-old Caucasian male child accompanied to the office with his mother. His mother states she is bringing T. A. in for a tummy ache. She states the onset of the pain is two days ago. Location is in his abdomen. Duration is constant. Characteristic is unknown. Aggravating factors is if his mother touches him or picks him up. Relieving and treatment factors are nothing. T. A. ‘s mother states he isn’t himself lately, he has been listless, whining, maintaining poor eye contact and expression, and refusing to eat.
Historian: T. A. ‘s mother

Present Concerns/CC: Tummy ache

Reason given by the patient for seeking medical care “in quotes”

Child Profile: (Sexual History, If appropriate); ADLs (age appropriate); Safety Practices; Changes in daycare/school/after-school care; Sports/physical activity; Developmental Hx)

T.A. is a 26-month-old male Caucasian child. He has a history of Down Syndrome and post atrial septal defect, repair with transient CHF as an infant. He does not attend daycare and his neighbors or mother’s boyfriend babysits him He has global development delay.
T. A. is a 26-month-old male child with a history of Down Syndrome and a post-atrial septal defect that was repaired as an infant. He has no known allergies and does not take any prescription medication, OTC medications, or herbal medications. Mother states patient is clumsy and is always falling over things.
Medications: N/A
PMH: Down Syndrome, Global developmental delay, atrial-septal defect

Allergies: NA

Medication Intolerances: None

Illnesses/Major traumas: Down Syndrome, Global developmental delay, atrial-septal defect

Hospitalizations/Surgeries: Post-surgical repair for atrial-septal defect

Immunizations: Pt has received his immunizations except for the last ones.
Family History (Please identify all immediate family)
Father’s history is unknown. Mother has a history of anemia and his sister has asthma. No information on grandparents’ health.

Social History:
T. A. lives with his mother and two siblings who are 6 months old and 5 years old. His real father is not a part of his life and has never been with the family. His mother’s boyfriend, who is also the father of his 6-month-old sibling, sometimes stay over to babysit but he does not like to. T. A.’s mother is unable to afford daycare, so the neighbors help out to care for T.A. and his other siblings when she has to go to work. His mother is a cashier at a retail shop and her highest education level is the high school level.

Denies any sudden weight changes; fever, chills, and night sweats. The patient’s mother reports he has been very fussy, irritable Cardiovascular
Mother reports a history of a hole in the heart (ASD) with transient CHF which has been resolved with surgery when he was an infant.
Denies rash, moles, or color changes in skin lesions.
Mother reports increased respiration with shallow
breathing.Denies cough, wheezing, hemoptysis, and history of pneumonia or TB.

Denies problems with eye sight, discharge, redness, or discomfort to eyes. Gastrointestinal
Mother states he has been complaining of tummy ache and that patient has not pooped in a while. The patient’s mother reports how he has been rubbing his abdomen as if it hurt him for the past two days and after a reported fall from the bed. Mother reports decreased appetite, bruise in the abdominal area, and one episode of vomiting last night.
Denies effusion, drainage, or redness
Mother states patient is urinating less, and that urine smells strong and has a dark color.

Denies drainage, septal deviation, or white patches.
Denies deformities, stiffness, or joint pain.

Denies lumps or mass
Denies seizures, numbness or tingling, paresthesia

Denies heat or cold intolerance, no lymphadenopathy, no history of blood transfusion.
Mother states T. A. I s not his happy usual self. He has been whining and refuses to eat. He is also listless.
OBJECTIVE (plot height/weight/head circumference along with noting percentiles) Attach growth chart
Weight 22 lbs. # (higher than 25th percentile %) Temp 97.9 ° F
BP: 68/40 mmHg

Height 2’ 4” # (lower than 5th %)
Pulse 160 x’
Resp: 50 x’

General Appearance and parent‐child interaction

Patient is listless and appears ill.

Appropriate for race. Pale, cool, and clammy skin which is slightly mottled. Thoracotomy scar consistent with history of AV septal repair. Diffuse diaper rash. Faint circumferential macular discolorations at wrists consistent with aging ligature marks. 10 cm oval abdominal bruise.

Head – No signs of head trauma. Down syndrome facies with flat face Eyes: Up slanting eyes, pupils equal round, and reactive to light bilaterally. Conjunctivae pink. Ears: Normal appearing external structures; no deformities or edema. No discharge noted. Tympanic membranes intact. No hemotympanum. No signs of otitis media. No discharge or polyps. Nose: Nasal mucosa pink; normal turbinates with clear drainage. Throat: No hoarseness, oropharynx not injected, clear mucosa, tonsils without exudate. Tongue normal color symmetrical no swelling or ulcerations. Normal gag reflex. Dental caries noted. Normal odor for breath. No visible scars, deformities, or other lesions. Trachea is midline and freely movable.

PMI non-displaced. S1, S2 regular rate and rhythm. Early systolic murmurs noted.

Non-labored movement of chest wall. Thoracotomy scar consistent with history of AV septal repair. Thorax atraumatic per gross inspection. Non-tender to chest wall, clavicle. The anterior lung fields are resonant. The left anterior chest (heart) and right lower chest (liver) are dull to percussion. The rest of the lung fields are resonant, and not hyper- resonant. Regular even unlabored, good expansion, no tachypnea or dyspnea. Symmetrical, no rhonchi, wheezing, or rales. Clear to auscultation.

Ecchymosis overlying the epigastrium measuring 10 cm in longest diameter and oval in shape. Abdomen distended. 2 cm umbilical hernia. Abdomen distended, firm. Diffuse tenderness to palpation with associated guarding and rebound. Reducible umbilical hernia. No tympany or shifting dullness. Mild distention noted to abdomen.

Normal breast exam. The breasts and nipples are non-tender. There are no masses, lumps, tenderness, deformities, ulcerations, or discharge.

Atraumatic, diffuse diaper rash, normal circumcised male, and testes descended, non-tender, no evidence of inguinal herniation.

No overt limb deformities or bony crepitus. Moves all extremities spontaneously but weakly; no evident focal deficits. Faint circumferential macular discolorations at wrists consistent with aging ligature marks. No localized musculoskeletal pain to palpation of extremities. Normal bulk. No rigidity. Signs of trauma noted to abdomen with bruises. Normal range of motion of upper and lower extremities and joint. Spine straight gait normal. Spine is non-tender to vertebral palpation. No overt back deformities. Spine is non-tender to percussion. Normal and full range of motion. Normal 1.0 to 1.4 ratio of ankle to brachial B. (Abnormal ABI is less than 0.9 and is an indication of peripheral artery disease (PAD).

No involuntary movements noted. Normal and full range of motion. Monofilament test is normal sensory test. Neurological Mental status for child’s development is verbal. Pt has global developmental delay. No pathologically enlarged lymph nodes in the cervical, supraclavicular, axillary or inguinal chains.
Patient has become withdrawn and is not his usual happy self per mother’s report.

In-house Lab Tests – document tests (results or pending)
Results – Abnormal CBC with differential which shows a 19,000 mm3 WBC, High Sodium (150), Potassium 6.0, Low Calcium – 7.0, Low Chloride 90, Carbon dioxide 12, High Urea Nitrogen 45, Creatinine 2.0, Albumin is low 2.5, Bilirubin low (0.5), Protein low 4.5, Alkaline is low (25), AST and ALT: WNL. Lipase is high (60). Lactic acid, serum is > 4. Prothrombin time is 16.5 and INR is 2.0 which is abnormal. Amylase serum (115) is abnormal. Skeletal survey shows acute rib fracture to left 8th, healing rib fractures, right 4th and 5th, old rib fractures, right 9th and 10th, chest x-ray otherwise without evidence of active disease, No evidence of pneumonia as a source of infection. No other evident fractures per limited survey of the extremities. CT of brain within normal limits.

Pediatric/Adolescent Assessment Tools (Ages & Stages, etc) with results and rationale
For adolescents (HEADSSSVG Assessment)
Home environment, Education and employment, Eating, peer-related Activities, Drugs, Sexuality, Suicide/depression, and Safety from injury and violence
Patient is small for his age; Down syndrome features
Mother reports that the patient is not reaching developmental milestones
Include at least three differential diagnoses with ICD-10 codes. (Includes Primary dx and 2 differentials)
Document Evidence based Rationale for ROS and each differential with pertinent positives and negatives

T76.1-Child Abuse is when a parent or caregiver whether through action or falling to act, causes injury, death, emotional harm, or risk of serious harm to a child (Camilo et. al., 2016). Child abuse and neglect can have the following consequences physical, psychological, behavioral, and societal (Camilo et. al., 2016).
S39.91XA-Blunt abdominal trauma is secondary to child abuse and is an injury to the abdomen (Hynick et. al., 2014). It may be blunt or penetrating and may involve damage to the abdominal organs (Hynick et. al., 2014). The signs and symptoms include abdominal pain, tenderness, rigidity, and bruising of the external abdomen (Hynick et. al., 2014).
R65.11-Systemic inflammatory response syndrome is used to describe the complex pathophysiologic response to an insult such as infection, trauma, burns, pancreatitis, or a variety of other injuries (Scott et. al., 2014). The five criteria that are involved in SIRS include: – i. Heart rate more than 90 bpm, ii. Systolic blood pressure < 75 mm HG, iii. Respiratory rate more than 20 breaths per minute, iv. Fever of more than 38°C (100.4°F) or less than 36°C (96.8°F) (Scott et. al., 2014) and v. Abnormal white blood cell count >15,500 mm3 or < 6,000 mm3. In T. A.‘s case he presents with 4 out of the 5 criteria putting him the category of having SIRS. Primary diagnosis: R65.11-Systemic inflammatory response syndrome. PLAN including education T. A. will be sent to the hospital for acute treatment and stabilization. His airway, breathing, and circulation would be assessed. He would be provided with oxygen supplementation for his hypoxia. He will be administered IV isotonic fluid boluses as needed to treat his dehydration. Also, he would be assessed from head to toe to determine how much physical trauma he has sustained during the abuse. Child protective service which includes the police and social work will be contacted to get T. A. to a safe environment where the abuse would stop (Camilo et. al., 2016). Vaccines administered this visit: none Vaccine administration forms given: none Medication-amounts and mg/kg for medications: Fluid resuscitation should be considered. The aim is to restore normal circulating volume and physiologic parameters. Isotonic fluid (20 mL/kg) should be titrated over 5 minutes and repeated as necessary. Supplemental oxygen should be provided, initially at high flow and high concentration. Laboratory tests ordered: Urinalysis (UA), Amylase, serum, Lipase, PT/INR, Lactic acid, serum, Venous blood gases (VBG), Comprehensive blood count (CBC), Comprehensive metabolic panel. Diagnostic tests ordered: Skeletal survey, Head CT, Abdominal ultrasound, CT abdomen/pelvis with IV contrast and CT abdomen/pelvis with IV contrast  Patient education including preventive care and anticipatory guidance: T.A mother’s needs to be educated on current medical condition, possible complication. T.A mother’s needs to be inform why he will to be admitted in PICU for closed monitoring, of his symptoms and treatments.   Non-medication treatments: contact security and DCF. Provide hospital security to patient access points. Provide education to parent regarding child abuse and neglect.  Follow-up appointment with detailed plan of f/u- The patient is going to need emergent surgical consult and be admitted to PICU for closed monitoring, of his symptoms and treatments. Abdominal injuries are an emergency as the solid organs of the abdomen could be injured and there could be bleeding in the abdomen (Kohler & Chokshi, 2016). The patient should be on a cardiac monitor and a continuous pulse oximetry to monitor vital signs and oxygen supplementation via nasal cannula, IV administered fluids as needed. Evaluation of Case Study Child abuse occurs when a parent or caregiver whether through action or falling to act causes injury, death, emotional harm or risk of serious harm to a child (Camilo et. al., 2016). In this case study, it is suspected that the mother’s boyfriend may be the perpetrator of child abuse. There are certain identified risk factors that occur more frequently in parents who abuse their children for example a single-parent family that include an unrelated partner, the partner is frequently the abuser (Merrick & Latzman, 2014). The fact the boyfriend is not related to the child this makes his more likely the abuser. Another risk factors for child abuse are a young age, particularly birth to three years of age, and a child who ill (Merrick & Latzman, 2014). T. A. is identified with several risk factors that makes him more susceptible to child abuse such as his Down’s syndrome, his age which is 26 months, and the fact that his mother is single with three children to support on a low income. Based on her low income, she is unable to afford daycare causing her to have to depend on her boyfriend and neighbors for child care. The mother also admits that her boyfriend is reluctant to provide child care because the children are whining. The blunt abdominal trauma is secondary to the physical abuse the child is subjected to. Based on the mother’s description of the fall with physical findings, a fall from the crib which would be approximately a 3 feet fall would result in a head or extremity trauma not a 10 cm oval abdominal bruise. Also, the fact that it took two days before the patient’s mother sought medical intervention, the suspicion that there is some form of physical abuse is more apparent. Infants and small children require constant attention and must have all their needs met by others. This can result in parental or caretaker fatigue with resultant striking out at the child with physical force, shaking the child, or ignoring the child’s needs (Merrick & Latzman, 2014). The physical and emotional demands placed on the parents or caretaker of an unwanted, brain-damaged, hyperactive, or physically disabled child may overwhelm them, resulting in abuse (Merrick & Latzman, 2014). Disabled children may not understand that abusive behaviors are not appropriate, so do not tell others or defend themselves (Merrick & Latzman, 2014). Another important finding based on the mother’s report are that the child is not eating or drinking and has vomited once, his urine output has decreased and is dark in color with an odor, he has not had a bowel movement in a while, he is listless, and not his usual happy self. These findings are linked to circulatory and neurologic compromises which are apparent with shock. One of the other diagnoses for this case study is systemic inflammatory response syndrome which is used to describe the complex pathophysiologic response to an insult such as infection, trauma, burns, pancreatitis or a variety of other injuries (Scott et. al., 2014). From the five criterions that are necessary to diagnose this syndrome, the patient had four of them which were heart rate greater than 90 bpm, systolic blood pressure less than 75, respiratory rate greater than 20 breaths per minute, and white blood cell count of 19,000 mm3 (Scott et. al., 2014). The child is also experiencing hypotension, tachycardia, lethargy, and signs of dehydration shown with his dark urine and decreased urine output which are other concerning symptoms. This patient needs to be treated immediately as this is a severely ill child. He will need to be treated for his SIRS at the hospital and the monitored in an intensive care unit. After the child is treated and is stable, a complete physical assessment should be completed, and social services should be called in to put him in social care as there are obvious signs of abuse such as old and new broken ribs, old and new ligature marks, and inconsistent historical medical reports from his mother. Physical consequences, such as damage to a child’s growing brain, can have psychological implications, such as cognitive delays or emotional difficulties. Psychological problems often manifest as high-risk behaviors. Depression and anxiety for example, may make a person more likely to smoke, abuse alcohol or drugs, or overeat (Young & Widom, 2014). High risk behaviors, in turn, can lead to long-term physical health problems, such as sexually transmitted diseases, cancer, and obesity (Young & Widom, 2014). While not all children who have been abused or neglected will experience long-term consequences, they may have an increased susceptibility (Young & Widom, 2014). Ensuring that T. A. is removed from his present home and placed in a therapeutic environment is important for his overall well-being and health outcomes. References Burns, C. E., Dunn, A. M., Brady, M. A., Starr, N. B., Blosser, C. G., & Garzon, D. L. (2013). Pediatric Primary Care, 6th (Ed). Elsevier, Philadelphia. Camilo, C., Garrido, M. V., & Calheiros, M. M. (2016). Implicit measures of child abuse and neglect: A systematic review. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 2943 – 54 Hynick, N. H., Brennan, M., Schmit, P., Noseworthy, S., & Yanchar, N. L. (2014). Identification of blunt abdominal injuries in children. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 76(1), 95 – 100. Kohler, E .J. & Chokshi, K.N. (2016). Management of abdominal solid organ injury after blunt trauma. Pediatric Annals, 45 (7) 241-246. Merrick, M. T., & Latzman, N. E. (2014). Child maltreatment: A public health overview and prevention Considerations. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 19(1), 1. Scott, H. F., Donoghue, A. J., Gaieski, D. F., Marchese, R. F, & Mistry, R. D. (2014). Effectiveness of physical exam signs for early detection of critical illness in pediatric systemic inflammatory response syndrome. BMC Emergency Medicine, 14(1), 1 – 14. Young, J. C., & Widom, C. S. (2014). Long-term effects of child abuse and neglect on emotion processing in adulthood. Child Abuse & Neglect, 38(8), 1369 – 1381. Based on the information provided, I will craft a comprehensive paper that delves into the assessment and management of pediatric upper-extremity fractures. The medical record of an 8-year-old male patient who presented with an injury to his right arm will serve as the focal point of the paper. The document includes the patient's history, physical examination, diagnosis, and treatment plan, providing valuable insights into evidence-based practice in clinical decision-making and treatment planning. Title: Assessment and Management of Pediatric Upper-Extremity Fractures: A Comprehensive Analysis Abstract: This paper presents a detailed analysis of a medical record documenting the assessment and management of an 8-year-old male patient with a closed fracture at the distal radius of his right arm. The medical record includes subjective and objective findings, diagnosis, and a comprehensive treatment plan. The utilization of evidence-based references in the treatment plan underscores the importance of evidence-based practice in pediatric medicine. Introduction: Pediatric upper-extremity fractures are common injuries that require careful assessment and management to ensure optimal outcomes. This paper examines a specific case of an 8-year-old male patient who presented with an injury to his right arm, providing a comprehensive overview of the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment plan. Patient History and Examination: The medical record includes a detailed subjective assessment, encompassing the patient's history, present concerns, past medical history, family history, social history, and review of systems. The objective findings from the physical examination, including vital signs, general appearance, and specific assessments of the affected area, are thoroughly documented, providing a comprehensive understanding of the patient's condition. Diagnosis and Treatment Plan: The medical record outlines the diagnosis of a closed fracture at the distal radius of the right arm, supported by pertinent positives and negatives. The treatment plan includes the application of a short arm Ortho-glass and ace wrap, along with providing a sling for patient comfort. Additionally, instructions for activity restriction, pain management, and follow-up care are included in the plan, reflecting a comprehensive approach to treatment. Evidence-Based Practice: The use of evidence-based references, such as the article by Arora, Fichadia, Hartwig, and Kannikeswaran (2014), in the treatment plan demonstrates the importance of evidence-based practice in clinical decision-making and treatment planning. The incorporation of evidence-based research into the treatment plan enhances the quality of care provided to pediatric patients with upper-extremity fractures. Conclusion: The detailed documentation of the assessment and management of the pediatric upper-extremity fracture in the medical record underscores the importance of comprehensive and evidence-based care in pediatric medicine. The thorough history, physical examination findings, diagnosis, and treatment plan are essential for ensuring the delivery of high-quality healthcare services and promoting positive patient outcomes. References: Arora, R., Fichadia, U., Hartwig, E., & Kannikeswaran, N. (2014). Pediatric upper-extremity fractures. Pediatric Annals, 43(5), 196-204. doi:

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