Sports Ethics
Using the “Case Study Rubric which is attached as (page xv, write a two page paper discussing the rubric questions as they apply to your Case. The case attached 4-10 and you need not address all questions-just those that you feel are appropriate BUT do state the rubric question as exactly listed on page xv.
Sports Ethics
This is the moral assumptions governing individuals, groups, and organizations that enable them to determine what is right or wrong. It’s aimed at developing guidelines that help to protect the welfare of the members, these guidelines govern their way of conduct. An ethical dilemma involves making a decision between two problems in which both are not ethically preferred. The ethical dilemma post in this case is the issue of responsibility. Both the coaches and players should be responsible for their actions on the field. In this case, welch symptoms are presumed to be as a result of being carried without the stretcher. since the coaches were present in the field they could have instructed the players correctly. Also the issue of foul play that may have resulted from the player that fell on top of him. If he did it intentionally in order to inflict pain on Welch. The sport management professional’s goal should be to ensure that this incidence will not affect the marketing programs and sponsorship of the team. They should also ensure the safety of the team from the media.
Moral relativism is the best model to use for this case. It states that there are no absolute set of moral standards. It also advocates that each person is entitled to their own moral and no one is to judge them. It also states that there are no standards for accepting the morals of certain cultures and revoking those of another culture. This will be vital in explaining the team players conduct as they carried their teammate, their action was ethically right according to them and no one is to judge them. Also, the player’s action on falling on Welch was basically due to his passion to play and no ulterior motives. Considering this no one should judge them. All the team players testimonies will be effective in making the decision, the medical report before the game and also the medical reports after the incident. Information from any other witnesses in the field will also aid in a wise decision-making process. We also need to consult welch friends to determine if he ever complained of any spinal issues, doctors, lawyers, his manager and the team coach. This information will aid in the decision making process.
This dispute requires a mediator, there will be an open forum in order to listen to both parties. It can also be done through private caucuses. This involves the mediator meeting both parties privately, these meetings are confidential and they proceed until an agreement is arrived upon. Their main goal should be to provide speed and cost-effective means of solving this problem. The compromises that can be taken to solve this case may include the coaches in charge could be dismissed, the player that fell on welch could be suspended from the next few games until a concrete solution is decided. The department could be in charge of all Welch’s medical expenses and also compensate him for these loses.
This situation presents a legal issue since it caused a serious injury to welch. Due to the injury incurred he is not able to continue with sports activities. This may lead to compensation claims such as loss of congenial employment, cost of care, equipment’s needed, pain suffered, loss of time, and others hence a lawyer is needed to make an ethical decision. Cultural, social and race issue that need to be addressed includes the teams impact on the society, the view from fans and labels that may be put on the team members. Due to media influence, this may either affect the team negatively or positively. Hence they should come to an agreement that ensures a positive impact on them. Unethical decisions may result in disruption of the relationship between the members. Since from these they may lose respect towards others and also increase tension among them. If the information goes public the company may lose its credibility resulting in the company’s damage. It may also lead to poor performance from the members due to lack of oneness and teamwork.
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