Week 1: Barriers to Practice
Discuss barriers to practice as an APN in one’s state from both a state and national perspective. Research methods to influence policy change from various forms of competition, state legislative and executive branches of government and interest groups.
Activity Learning Outcomes
Through this discussion, the student will demonstrate the ability to:
Discuss the history of policy development and policy making in nursing (CO1)
Examine different types of policy and their relationships to healthcare policy (CO1)
Explain current barriers to practice for advanced practice nurses (CO2)
Discuss health policy and methods of lifting barriers to practice (CO2)
Using the readings from this week as well as outside reliable resources to:
1. Identify and describe practice barriers for all four APNs roles in your state and discuss these barriers on a state and national level. The four roles include the nurse midwife, nurse anesthetist, nurse practitioner and clinical nurse specialist. 1. Identify and describe practice barriers in your state for all four APN roles, and discuss these barriers at the state and national levels. Nurse midwives, nurse anesthetists, nurse practitioners, and clinical nurse specialists are among the four roles.
2. Identify state and national forms of competition that impede APN’s ability to practice independently.
2. Identify forms of competition on the state and national level that interfere with APN’s ability to practice independently.
3. Identify the specific lawmakers by name at the state level (i.e., key members of the state’s legislative branch and executive branch of government)
4. Discuss interest groups that exist at the state and national levels that influence APN policy.
5. Discuss methods used to influence change in policy in forms of competition, state legislative and executive branches of government and interest groups.
6. A scholarly resource must be used for EACH discussion question each week.
Use refrences from the following books below:
Title: Nurse Practitioner’s Business Practice and Legal Guide
Edition: 6th
Authors: Buppert
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Title: Advanced Practice Nursing
Subtitle: Essential Knowledge for the Profession
Edition: 3rd
Authors: Susan M. DeNisco, Anne M. Barker
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Title: Essentials of Health Policy and Law
Edition: 3rd
Authors: Joel B. Teitelbaum, Sara E. Wilensky
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers
CW1: Cross Cultural Management Assignment Brief
CW1: Cross Cultural Management Assignment Brief UG Year 2/3 Detailed Brief for Individual / Team Assignment Assignment Title: Individual presentation: Culture and Organisational behaviour TUTOR INSTRUCTIONS • PLEASE PREPARE A DYNAMIC 50 MINS PRESENTATION TUTORIAL TO GUIDE STUDENTS ON THIS ASSIGNMENT USING RELEVANT CULTURAL FRAMEWORKS TO assist STUDENTS • • (e.g. TROMPENAARS Cultural dimensions, Kluckhohn […]