Discussion Topic:
When assessing community health issues, it is important to identify what specific targeted population groups may be involved and ensure they are captured and included in the planning, design, implementation, monitoring, Assessment, interpretation and dissemination of results of the overall assessment.. What is a targeted or high-risk population group? How would you identify this population group in a community? Why is it necessary to focus on these groups? Provide 2-3 examples of this type of population.
Peer Postx1:
What is a targeted or high-risk population group?
The definition or goal of a CHA is to identify key health needs and issues by systematically collecting data and then analyzing it, and by doing so health disparities are identified (Community health assessments & health improvement plans, 2018, July 24). Additionally high-risk groups may not be just the groups facing disparities but also may ones facing inequities such as people who don’t have a stable address or who are do not speak English (Community health assessment toolkit, 2022).
How would you identify this population group in a community?
By researching epidemiological data (qualitative and quantitative) as part of the CHA, I would define demographic indicators focusing on health disparities and those that may be experiencing inequities (Community health assessment toolkit, 2022).
Why is it necessary to focus on these groups?
A targeted focus is needed to address and reduce health disparities (Community health assessments & health improvement plans, 2018, July 24).
Provide 2-3 examples of this type of population.
Example 1: In Allen County Indiana, low-birth weight is a tracked health outcome and is higher amongst Blacks (14%) than any other racial group (Indiana rate is 9%)(University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, 2022). So, a program or programs targeting risk factors for low-birth rate would be in order.
Example 2: In Allen County Indiana the teenage pregnancy is a tracked health factor and the rate amongst Blacks is 44% which is the highest by far amongst all racial groups; the Indiana rate is 23% (University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, 2022).
Community health assessments & health improvement plans. (2018, July 24). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/publichealthgateway/cha/plan.html
Community health assessment toolkit. (2022). AHA Community Health Assessment Improvement. https://www.healthycommunities.org/resources/toolkit/files/community-engagement
University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. (2022). County health rankings & roadmaps. County Health Rankings.
Peer post x2:
Hello Everyone,
1. What is a targeted or high-risk population group?
Targeted high-risk population in public health which we also call high risk population a vulnerable population (Frey & Colby 2020). According to (Frey & Colby 2020) a high-risk population group is defined as a group of individuals whose conditions or situations do not allow them to protect their own interests, either as recipients of health care. Moreover, high-risk population vulnerabilities can be classified in three categories primary physical, mental, or social (Frey & Colby 2020).
2. How would you identify this population group in a community?
One method that has been used in public health is to identify and address the population at risk is to perform a Community Based Participatory Research (Franco et al,.2021). According to (Franco et al,.2021) Community Based Participatory Research is an approach to research which places target populations at the center of the process in addressing their priority issues in close collaboration with key members of the community. Secondly, semi-structured interviews could also be helpful to get details from the community members to know the risk factors of the community and reasoning of why this population is at risk and what intervention strategy can we develop to improve the community (Franco et al,.2021).
3. Why is it necessary to focus on these groups? Provide 2-3 examples of this type of population.
Homeless population is necessary to focus on this group as their mortality rate is high due to disparities of alcohol abuse, substance abuse, and other chronic diseases which they may not get treated which can cause overcrowding in the emergency department at hospitals (Franco et al,.2022). Lastly, high-risk population who suffers from mental health disorders are necessary to focus on because this can lead to substance abuse and suicide which also increases mortality rates.
Frey, R. J., & Colby, H. (2020). Vulnerable populations. In Gale (Ed.), The Gale encyclopedia of public health (2nd ed.). Gale. Credo Reference: https://libauth.purdueglobal.edu/login?url=https://search.credoreference.com/content/entry/galegph/vulnerable_populations/0?institutionId=9655
Andrew Franco, Jonathan Meldrum, & Christine Ngaruiya. (2021). Identifying homeless population needs in the Emergency Department using Community-Based Participatory Research. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1), 1–11. https://doi-org.libauth.purdueglobal.edu/10.1186/s12913-021-06426-z