Work-Life Balance
Most mothers work at least part time in a family set up compared to fathers. The society believes
that having a mother who works part time is beneficial for a young child. Children are better off
when a parent works part time and spends the rest of their time at home to focus on the family. I
tend to agree with the society since, from my own observations, those children who both parents
were away working lack some values or the closeness that a parent and a child should have. They end up becoming introverts.
Good mothering is distinct from good parenting. It basically means taking up the role of providing guidance, direction, protection and the necessary attention a child deserves. Being there for the child either in need or not. For fathers, good fathering and good parenting are the same. Though providing relatively a child’s care, fathers feel they have access to the child when they want to be involved. They view their role as influencial despite desparities in the types and amount of care provided. (RF Gleditsch,2017)
Achievement of an effective balance by parents between the demands of the work place and
home is crucial. Balancing work and family demands is a critical challenge facing most parents.
traditionally, work and family roles used to conflict. The search has begun to realize that
parents can actually achieve work life balance by participating in both roles, those of the father
and of the mother. (L Taylor urban ecosystems, 2018)
In order to solve the gender income inequality situation, research shows reasons why males earn
more than females. This is because the society puts more pressure in men to be able to make enough and take care of the family. The only solution to this is passing of the law that requires all companies to grant the same amount of parental leave. Even fathers need a parternity leave equally totaling to three months. it should be generally called a parental leave instead of a maternity or parternity leave. (financial samurai,2017)
Generally, working part time requires a lot of sacrifice since, as compared to working full time,
one is expected to get a lower wage. When parents share their roles equally, it becomes less
tedious and frustrating. The law of ‘parental leave’ once its implemented then neither the mother
nor the father gets to work part time hence a stable income. nevertheless, when one of the
parents works part time and dedicates the rest of her time to look after the family, children in that home turn out just fine.