working in the health services industry
Assume you are working in the health services industry. Select an employment position for yourself. Conduct research on the internet to obtain workplace information.


A new employee has recently joined your organisation. You have been asked to act as their workplace coach/ mentor. This means that you need to explain to them how the organisation works and what is required of them in terms of work planning and achievement.

The new employee’s role will be similar to the one you have selected. Consider your workplace and your work requirements. What advice will you give this new employee regarding:

â—¦what their role entails

â—¦what policies, procedures and legislative requirements must be complied with

â—¦how they should plan their work

â—¦the strategies that should be put in place if interruptions to a scheduled work plan occur

â—¦how information is shared in the organisation

â—¦why information sharing and effective communication is important

â—¦what action they should take if they are uncertain about what they should do

â—¦how to keep the workplace well organised, clean and tidy

â—¦how the different roles and responsibilities of other employees will impact on their work

â—¦the need to respect the rights of other workers

Write a detailed, comprehensive report about how you would explain each of these things. Upload your report for assessment.

Project 2

Conduct some research and find the ethical code that relates to a sector of the health service industry.

Prepare a presentation for a next staff meeting to inform staff as to what the code says and how it should be implemented. Upload your presentation for assessment.

Project 3

Practical assessment: to be completed as well as the theory assessment.

This activity involves practical demonstration of tasks to your supervisor, trainer or assessor.

Record details of the practical demonstration including date conducted and the supervisor/ assessor present in the answer box provided.

Negotiate, with your assessor, a time and place – either in an actual or simulated workplace – to demonstrate these skills. Your assessor will draw up and provide you, ahead of time, with a properly contextualised task list that will enable demonstration of the required skills and knowledge. You can use this when preparing for the assessment and it can be used as a checklist during the assessment.

Project 4

This project is included in all health and community service study units. If you have completed it as part of the assessment for another unit it should not be necessary to do it again. Consult with your trainer/ assessor to determine how you can be given credit.

Community service workers will interact with a wide variety of clients and co-workers from a range of cultural and experiential backgrounds.

They must, therefore, be aware of:

â—¦the role of diversity in the workplace

â—¦methods of accommodating diversity

â—¦access and equity issues that relate to their own area of work

â—¦cultural, historical, access and equity issues that could be specific to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities

â—¦other issues that might face Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities

They must demonstrate the ability to work, communicate and negotiate with a range of people from different cultural groups.

For the community service sector in which you work or are intending to work describe some of the cultural, historical, access and equity issues with which you might be confronted. Explain how you could deal with these issues and how you would ensure that the rights of diverse people and their communities can be up-held.

Utilise workplace examples to support and explain your responses and provide, where possible, evidence that shows the steps you have taken (or will take), in a workplace, to address such issues. Upload your answer for assessment

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